One of the most important things in a society or civilization is training and teaching the next generation of up and comings to do the required jobs, and run the system. If not, the city-state, state, province, or country will begin to decline and decay. Indeed, right now there are some serious challenges as many state budgets are being cut to the bone. Obviously, one of the biggest costs is education, and therefore it cannot go unscathed during budget cuts. There are many states that are in financial hot water.

Consider if you will states like New Jersey, California, Florida, Illinois, New York, just to name a few. These states have watched their tax revenues cut, and although they are back on the incline, they are in severe debt. They have no chance but to cut costs, meanwhile they've already promised pensions and have legacy obligations to past state employees, including the teachers. Trust me when I tell you this, the teachers will not go down without a fight, and the teachers unions are quite strong if anyone thinks they're going to cut their pensions, or benefits.

There was a rather comprehensive article recently in the Wall Street Journal written by Stephanie Banchero titled "Illinois Education Overhaul at Risk" published on May 10, 2011. This article discussed the major changes happening in the state of Illinois, and the passing (unanimously) of a major education bill. However, if you think this is only an Illinois problem you're sadly mistaken. The article also explains the major education bills signed into law in Ohio, Indiana, and Florida.

We also know that there have been major changes in the state of Wisconsin, as we watched the protests, and in the state of California they are about to also have a major education overhaul reform bill. Indeed, in Los Angeles County, the school districts are reevaluating teachers based on a new mathematical equation and metric. It looks as if the concepts brought to the Washington DC school district by Michelle Rhea are being adopted elsewhere.

In other words, tenure will not be enough, every teacher must perform, or they will be cut. This is because parents and voters are upset that many of the good teachers have been laid off, because they didn't have tenure. And that's the way the cookie crumbles, or least it has been in the past, no longer say many legislators, voters, and parents in many states. Should we be surprised? No, not really eventually everything has to come back into normal, and the runaway costs, and the outrageous administration expenses got out of control.

Nevertheless, we must always remember that our civilization is only as strong as our schools and education system was 20 years the prior. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it. If you have any comments, concerns, and/or questions I ask you to shoot me an e-mail.

Mass Communications Schools - Degree and Training Options

Educational programs are available for students to gain an accredited degree in mass communications. Students can enter into an accredited degree training program to gain the skills and knowledge needed to pursue the career they desire. Professionals who work in this field are trained to provide information through various types of media. Degree and training options are available through mass communications schools at an associates or bachelors degree level.

*Associate degree

An accredited associate's degree can take students two years to obtain. Students who choose to enroll in an associate's level degree program can train for a variety of career in the field of communications. Careers at this level include working for television stations, video production companies, cable systems, and much more. With a degree at this level in the field students can expect to study a variety of subjects. Coursework will vary but may include the study of information technology, communication, writing, production, digital media editing, public relations, and much more. By earning an associates degree in mass communications students will have the skills needed to enter the workforce or pursue a bachelor's degree in the field.

*Bachelors Degree

Students who desire to start a career in mass communications can earn a bachelors degree in the field. There are a number of accredited schools and colleges that provide students with the option of gaining a bachelors level of training. Students can receive the required knowledge and skills with just four years of academic study. Coursework studies will vary depending on the educational program of enrollment and desired career. Curriculum may include courses in broadcasting, communication theories, audio and video production, research methods, advertising, and many other relevant topics. With a bachelors degree students can gain the education needed to enter careers in journalism, advertising, broadcasting, public relations, and much more.

Communications professionals are trained to carry out a variety of tasks based on their career. Students can train for a number of careers in this field allowing them to work in the growing field of communications. Degrees in mass communications allow students to pursue careers working with various companies to promote their business. With an accredited associate or bachelors degree students can enroll in continuing education courses to gain additional skills and knowledge in the field. Accredited continuing education courses allow students to receive additional training for their career. Students can learn a variety of subjects related to their career to help them improve the services they offer.